Ky's Arena
Sunday May 4, 2014
Every Sunday starting May 4th
#11 w/ no cap
$20 per roper; enter up
#8 Drawpot capped at #5
Pick 1, Draw 2 or Draw all 3 for $60
Enter up to 5 times
**Saddle goes to the high money winner of the 4th roping.
Must rope at 3 of the 4 ropings to be eligible to rope for the saddle
Call Freddy Kreder at 918-766-1446 for more information
27693 N. 3940 Rd., Ochelata, OK
Go north through Ochelata, turn west on 2800 Rd., Arena is approximately 1 mile.
99 Arena Saddle Roping
Sunday May 4, 2014
#12 capped at #7; 4 head progressive
Pick 1, Draw 1 or Draw 2 for $100; Enter up to 4 times
Saddle to high money winner; Buckles to average winners; hoodies to fast time
Church at 11:15am with Troy Withey
Books open at 12:00pm; Rope at 1:00pm
Cash Only; Do not recognize elite numbers.
No Practice on Tuesdays
Call Missy at 918-223-5356 or 918-225-0553 for more information.
All May 2014 Events